Week Six

Getting into a routine that seemed to flow together has made it easier for me to increase my cardio and weight training workout. 
The one step at a time challenge helped me find a sense of well being that I have been missing in my life.  Hopefully I will keep working at it and see if I can reach my goal in 6 months.  Only time will tell if I can keep away from the bad eating habits and inactivity I had and keep up with a healthier way of life.
To the RACC, Hospital, and KLGR, I  want to thank you for this eye opening program.  Special thanks to Polly, Dorie, and Heather for their time and dedication in helping me make a difference in my life.

Week Five

My 4th week seemed to flow into a routine that I looked forward to.  I felt like I was cheating myself if I didn't push myself to a higher level on my routine.
Hopefullu this new motovation will show up on the scale at the weigh-in.  No matter what that shows I feel alot better and have more energy.  I guess that is all that counts in the long run so in the next two weeks we will see where I am at.

Week Four

Last week I figured out that I needed to pace myself on the equipment instead of trying to go all out all the time on the machines.   I feel better and seem to be starting to tighten up my body. Haven't weighed myself, so will see if slowing down helped in 3 weeks.

Week Three

This week my goals are quite simple but hard for me to do.
Dorie said I need to eat more times a day to keep my metabolism up.  I use to eating 2 meals a day and Dorie informed me I need to eat 3 small meals a day and a good snack between meals. Polly said I need  to drink more water to keep hydrated and to alternate my workout routines so I don't get bored.
Otherwise things seem to be going ok thanks to the hard work of Polly and Dorie.  I needed their motivation to get me on the right  track. 

Week Two

I had a meeting with Polly on Wenesday and she showed me how to use each machine.  She also helped me setup a workout routine.  Since then I have been trying to work according to that routine.  Was able to get to the gym 5 times last week.